How do we get our significant other to drop the one thing that makes them frail human beings?
1. Constant appreciation makes criticism easier to handle.
2. Remember you are both on the same team.
3. Correcting each other should not be with a holier-than-thou attitude.
4. If you say the same thing three times you are nagging.
5. Prayer is your secret weapon!
6. A perfect man/woman will make your imperfections stark and inexcusable, do you really want that? (We will not even delve into the matter that perfection in itself is a myth)
7. Remember that there’s a woman out there who will gladly accept him warts and all.
8. Time and Maturity are factors! (Don’t bother your head about issues that your man will inevitably outgrow as time and maturity set-in).
9. It’s a tough world out there, no one wants to come back home and be judged.
10. Communication is key. Unlike a goat, a man will change if he sees reason to. Make him see what he stands to gain and that your motives are unselfish.
11.Be patient with him and soft-spoken. Gentleness calms even the most stubborn man.
12.Tell him how happy the change would make you rather than telling him how sad/angry/disappointed the habit makes you.
13. Boost his ego. Make him feel like a king and he’ll cross seven seas to do right by you.
14. Do not command/threaten/bully him into changing.
15. Understand where he is coming from and why he is the way he is and then take it a step at a time.
16. Examine yourself. Sometimes putting all your energy into changing someone may be a psychological way of running from your own faults/weaknesses. #doctor-heal-thyself!