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Lipgloss and Pumps is about how I see Fashion, Style, Interesting Events, Ideas, Tips, Designs, Creativity, Relationships, News Updates and especially what inspires me. Fashion to me is our Style, Attitude, Ideas, where we Live and the way we Live. It is not all about dresses but what inspires us to create styles,ideas and experiences that makes us stand out..Fashion is Art, Art is Fashion... Enjoy, Follow & Comment as you like “If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent their growing.” CoCo Chanel

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Spring Cleaning : How To Care For Your Jewellery

         How To Care For Your Jewellery To Enhance Wearing Pleasure

I am  a huge fashion accessories junkie and I absolutely adore jewellery. However, storing and caring for my accessories has always been a problem. I remember when I was in high school, I used to collect my mothers shoe boxes and use them as storage for my accessories. And then, planning an outfit and then you realise your jewellery has been tarnished or a crystal fell off, sounds familiar?  At first it was some what frustrating but then I grew up, I guess we can all relate to this, ladies.

I started buying jewellery bags and re-sealable bags to store my jewellery and spring clean my jewellery often, I must say the difference was clear. This opens the topic for todays post. "How often do you care for your jewellery and fashion accessories?" We make sure our clothes and shoes are clean and well kept but how often do we clean our jewellery?

Even if it is not real gold or silver your accessories need to be cared for regardless of the value. Skin, moisturiser, perfume or grease contributes to jewellery or accessories appearing dull and tarnished. The sparkle fades from lack of not cleaning and caring enough for jewellery, but everyone is guilty of this.

Tip number 1, always sort and spring clean your jewellery often, at least once a month. Please be aware that real gold and costume gold are cleaned differently, research on how to care for what type of jewellery you are about to clean. I can advise the best way to go about caring for your jewellery is to store in dry area and clean with dry clothe after use.

I guess the most important way to care for your jewellery is simply paying some attention and some TLC. Please see below a few tips on how to enhance your wearing pleasure by caring for your jewellery and accessories, ladies!.