The concept of "Wonder Woman portrays Love Peace and Sexual Equality amongst men and women in the world, as ironic as it sounds, women in todays society are still fighting to be equal. Although Time Technology has proved that women are just as competent as men but what will it mean for this to be Universally accepted all over the world in Europe Asia Africa America. Hey I am not advocating Women Domination, as audacious as it will sound to men, but imagine we had a super heroine that fights for women all over the world to be heard, it would be amazing. Nevertheless, We have our Super heroines on earth with no super powers, these women are known to have helped shape the course of history.
Unlike our Super Heroines on earth Wonder Woman has powers like Superhuman Strength . Super Speed . Super Stamina . Super Agility . Hand to Hand Combat . Flight . Imagine that, Imagine if our earthly super heroines from 570 BC to 2011 had super powers, they would have been able to accomplish even more that they did but we still appreciate what they have done.
Sappho 570 BC . First published female writer
Cleopatra 69-30 BC . The last Ptolemaic ruler of Egypt
Mary Magdalene 4 BC-40AD . One of Jesus most devoted followers
Boudicca 1st Century AD . An inspirational leader of the Britons that revolted against the Romans
Hildegard of Bingen 1098-1179 . Mystic author and composer
Eleanor of Aquitaine 1122-1204 . First Queen of France influenced the politics of Western Europe through
alliance and influence over her two sons that became kings of England
Joan of Arc 1412-1431 . The 17 year old Patron Saint of France
Mirabai 1498-1565 . Born from a Hindu family she broke with the conventions of society to
live the life of a mystic and devotee of Krishna
St Teresa of Avila 1515-1582 . Mystic and Poet who helped reform tradition of Catholicism and steer the
religion away from fanaticism
Cathrine De Medici 1519-1589 . Italy's Cathrine was married to the King of France at age 14
Elizabeth I 1533-1603 . She presided over an era of economic and political expansion which lay
the framework for Britons later dominance as world power
Catherine the Great 1729-1796 . German turned Empress Russian heroine thrown into a loveless marriage
at 14 to Grand Duke Peters
Mary Wollstonecraft 1759- 1797 . A true pioneer in the struggle for women suffrage in the early feminist
Jane Austen 1775-1817 . One of the most popular female writers in the early days when female
writers were rare helped pave the way for future female writers
Harriet Beecher Stowe 1811-1896. She was a life long anti-slavery campaigner, her books were a major
factor behind the American civil war
Queen Victoria 1819-1901 . British Queen also Empress of India
Florence Nightingale 1820-1910 . She was instrumental in changing the role and perception of the nursing in
the UK
Susan.B.Anthony 1820-1906 . She campaigned against slavery and for the promotion of women and
workers rights, she toured the US giving speeches on Human Rights
Emily Dickinson 1830-1886 . She lived most of her life in seclusion and her Poems were published
posthumously and received wide spread praise
Emmeline Pankhurst 1858-1928 . She dedicated her life to the promotion of women rights, she left a legacy
which gave women the right to vote from the age of 21
Marie Curie 1867-1914 . She was Polish and helped develop the first x-ray machines, she was the
first to receive the first of two Nobel price's for radioactivity and
chemistry and later died of cancer a side effect of her study in radiation
Rosa Luxemburg 1870-1914 . She was a leading Marxist revolutionary who fought passionately to bring
Social revolution to Germany
Helena Rubinstein 1870-1965 . She formed one of the world's first cosmetic companies and used her
wealth to support charitable enterprises in the field of education art and
Helen Keller 1880-1986 . She was a deaf and blind woman that campaigned tirelessly on behalf of
deaf and blind people
Coco Chanel 1883-1971 . She was one of the most innovate fashion designers and was instrumental
in designing feminine styles and dress in the 20th century
Eleanor Roosevelt 1884-1962 . Wife and political aide o the president made a significant contribution to
the field of human right and founded the 1948 UN declaration of human
Anne Besant 1847-1934 . She was a campaigner for social justice, advocate of women's right,
actively campaigned for Indian independence later a member of the
Theosophist society
Kathrine Hepburn 1907-2003 . She was an iconic figure of the 20th century, through her acting and life
she helped redefine traditional views of women's role in society
Simone De Beauvoir 1908-1986 . She was one of the leading existentialist philosophers of the 20th
century who wrote the book "The Second Sex" for the feminist move-
Mother Teresa 1910-1997 . She was known to be a global icon for her selfless service to others
including the poor and the dispossessed
Dorothy Hodgkin 1910-1994 . She was an outstanding chemist who worked on critical discoveries of
both penicillin and later insulin, she devoted a large section of her life to
the peace movement and promoting nuclear disarmament
Rosa Parks 1913-2005 . She was an African American civil rights activists an seamstress who the
U.S congress dubbed the "Mother of the Modern-Day civil rights
movement". Her refusal to give up her seat for an American White man
indirectly lead to some of the most significant human right legislation of
American history.
Jiang Qing 1914-1991 . The wife of Chairman Mao Jiang Qing who gained tremendous power
during the repressions of the cultural revolution
Billie Holiday 1915-1959 . She was known as "First lady of the blues" helped define the jazz era and
her recordings are widely sold today
Indira Gandhi 1917-1984 . First female prime minister of India
Eva Peron 1919-1959 . She campaigned tirelessly for the poor and for the extension of woman
Betty Frieden 1921-2006 . Leading feminist figure of 1960's, campaigned for an extension of female
rights and an end to sexual discrimination
Margaret Thatcher 1925- . The first female prime minister of Great Britain
Marilyn Monroe 1926-1962 . Born Norma Jean Baker as a poor girl who became one of the most iconic
film legends
Anne Frank 1929-1945 . She was only 13 when she wrote in her diary during the Nazi war and her
diary is one of the most widely read books in the world
Audrey Hepburn 1929-1993 . She was one of the most iconic actress who dedicated her life to working
with UNICEF for the poor and hungry
Germaine Greer 1939- . Leading feminist icon of he 60s and 70s that helped define manifesto for the
feminist movement
Betty Williams 1943- . Campaigned passionately to bring an end to sectarian violence of Northern
Ireland, She was awarded the Nobel Peace price
Billie Jean King 1943- . One of the greatest tennis female athlete that fought for equal pay for wom-
en and she won 67 professional titles along with 20 titles at Wimbledon
Benazir Bhutto 1953- . She was the first female prime minister of Pakistan, she helped move Paki-
stan from a Dictatorship to Democracy. She sought to implement social
reforms in particular helping women and the poor
Oprah Winfrey 1954- . She was the first woman to own her own talk show and very influential
Madonna 1958- . Born Louis Cicconi and stage name Madonna is an iconic musician and
very influential
My Mother Henrietta Achiekwelu 1965- .My love my heart, the only woman who nurtured me to a grown
lady, my role you
Diana Princess of Wales 1967-1997 . She was an iconic figure of the 20th century, she combined the appeal
of a royal princess with her humanitarian charity work
J.K.Rowling 1967- . She is known to have written one of the most phenomenal best selling
harry porter series
We women take every right we have today for granted forgetting the distinctive women that fought and stood up because they were tire of giving in. Some gave up their lifes because they believed they could make a difference for we women to be treated equal and have the same right to live as men do. These women and wonder woman have something in common which is the significant contribution to the field of human rights. We should all be inspired by their journeys tests challenges and accomplishment . Without them who would stand up for us? Would the men stand up so strongly for female rights? ask yourself.. I haven't read of anyone but Jesus who stood up for Mary Magdeline, please enlighten me if I am wrong....
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