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Lipgloss and Pumps is about how I see Fashion, Style, Interesting Events, Ideas, Tips, Designs, Creativity, Relationships, News Updates and especially what inspires me. Fashion to me is our Style, Attitude, Ideas, where we Live and the way we Live. It is not all about dresses but what inspires us to create styles,ideas and experiences that makes us stand out..Fashion is Art, Art is Fashion... Enjoy, Follow & Comment as you like “If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent their growing.” CoCo Chanel

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Secret to Flat Abs

So I have missed going to the gym for a month and trust me I missed it. Although there is no fat to loose but there is nothing like feeling tight, fit and active. When I don't go to the gym I feel lazy and sort of low in energy, its like my fix. I decided to resume going to the gym yesterday and I feel great but also in a lot of pain. I was going through some tips on how to eat certain diets that help increase lean muscles. Yeah it is possible, some food we eat help increase lean muscles in the body. They boost metabolism and prime the body to build muscles from exercise. I found an article online and the article is very recent s its best to get facts right.
www.cosmopolitan.com wrote that; Researchers just discovered a new way to get rid of those annoying belly pouch and increase lean muscles. Ladies you will be happy to know that the research didn't include crunches or stop eating any of our favourite meals. cosmopolitan.com went on to say about the study;
The study, which was published in the September issue of the Journal of Nutrition, compared three groups of overweight women. One group ate a low amount of dairy food, one at a medium amount, and the third ate a high amount. Their exercise routines were identical. At the end of the four-month testing period, the women who were on a higher-protein, higher-dairy diet "experienced greater whole-body fat and abdomen fat losses, greater lean mass gains and greater increases in strength", according to a write-up on EurekAlert.org. More specifically, those who consumed a lot of dairy lost twice as much belly fat as the others.
These women had a "major change in body composition," explained Andrea Josse, lead author. "The preservation or even gain of muscle is very important for maintaining metabolic rate and preventing weight regain, which can be [a] major problem for many seeking to lose weight." The women in the other two groups also lost some weight (thanks to the exercise plan all the participants were on), but some of that downtick on the scale was due to a loss of muscle tissue. And the researchers said it's for this exact reason that a dietary success shouldn't be based on weight alone.
Ladies Ladies, I mean what do you think, is it something you will want to try or if not? "A huge tip" for the road, while getting into your ice creams, muffins or chocolate fudges you shouldn't forget not to over do it, why not try light weight training combined with cardiovascular exercises, it is the key to speeding up fat loss. Cheers!

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